Moving a business to a new workplace is a significant undertaking. It requires careful planning and execution to minimize disruption to operations and ensure a smooth transition. A crucial aspect of moving offices that is often overlooked is tidying up the new workplace and keeping it clean. 

Maintaining a clean and orderly workplace is a long-term responsibility and a must to ensure that your surroundings stay tidy and welcoming. But it’s not just about having sparkling floors and pristine restrooms, either. It’s also about creating an environment that fosters productivity, well-being and professional pride. 

In this blog, we delve into the importance of workplace cleanliness, its connection to overall office maintenance and practical tips for keeping your new workspace consistently clean.


Understanding Workplace Maintenance

Office maintenance is the process of keeping an office space clean, organized and functioning properly. It involves maintaining equipment, repairing minor damage to the building and its furniture and ensuring all utilities are working correctly. Routine cleaning is an essential part of office maintenance.

A clean workplace is a visually appealing, hygienic and organized space. It ensures that the equipment and furnishings within your workplace stay in good working condition. Beyond ensuring that your workplace appears inviting, keeping it clean also improves its functionality and safety and helps protect the well-being of everyone in the environment.

When your workplace is clean, it’s easier to spot issues that may need addressing, from a leaking pipe to a malfunctioning printer, and fix them before they worsen. Additionally, a clean and organized workspace fosters a positive atmosphere for employees. Employees who feel comfortable and safe in their environment tend to work more efficiently and experience fewer distractions. 


The Benefits of a Clean Workplace

There are many benefits to keeping your workplace clean. The following are just a few examples:

Enhanced Productivity: A clean and organized workspace minimizes distractions, making it easier for employees to focus on tasks. You can accomplish more in less time when you’re not constantly searching for lost items or navigating clutter.

Health and Safety: A clean workplace reduces health hazards. You’ll avoid allergies and respiratory problems caused by dust, mold or pollutants. Additionally, you won’t be continually tripping over trash or other objects left on the floor. A tidy environment reduces the risk of accidents and ensures a safe space for your team.

Improved Morale: A clean workspace contributes to employee well-being. It helps create a pleasant and stress-free work environment, boosting morale and improving job satisfaction.

Positive Client Impressions: For businesses that host clients or partners in their workspaces, cleanliness is vital. A well-maintained office conveys professionalism and attention to detail, which can strengthen your reputation and foster trust with clients.

Efficient Workflow: An organized workspace ensures that everything has its place, reducing time wasted searching for documents or tools. This efficiency contributes to a smoother workflow and the completion of tasks within deadlines.

Boosted Employee Engagement: Employees who work in a clean, comfortable environment tend to be more engaged. Higher engagement can translate into better performance and a more positive work atmosphere.

Economic Savings: Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the life of office equipment and furnishings. Keeping your workspace clean is more cost-effective than replacing damaged items or investing in expensive repairs.

Reduced Sick Days: A clean workspace means fewer germs and contaminants. When employees are exposed to fewer illnesses, there’s a decrease in sick days, ultimately benefiting both your workforce and your company’s bottom line.

Environmental Responsibility: Committing to a clean and eco-friendly workspace demonstrates your commitment to environmental responsibility. Using green cleaning practices and products can positively impact your company’s carbon footprint.

Stress Reduction: A clutter-free and clean workspace can reduce employee stress levels. An orderly environment fosters a sense of control, which can be particularly important during busy or challenging periods. 


Improved Performance: Workplace cleanliness can help improve your employees’ work performance. In a study by Princeton University Neuroscience Institute scientists, participants who cleared the clutter from their work environment found it easier to focus and were able to improve how they process information. They also experienced a boost in productivity.


14 Tips for Keeping Your Workplace Clean After a Big Move. 

Here are some practical tips for keeping your new workplace clean and well-maintained once you’ve moved in:

  1. Establish Cleaning Schedules: Create a cleaning schedule that designates specific tasks to be performed daily, weekly and monthly. Doing so helps ensure that no area or task is overlooked.
  2. Designate Cleaning Responsibilities: Assign cleaning responsibilities to specific employees or teams. When everyone knows their role, it becomes easier to maintain cleanliness. Encourage employees to take ownership of their workspace through praise and incentives.
  3. Practice Clutter Control: Implement a clean desk policy to minimize clutter. Encourage employees to organize their workspaces, store documents digitally when possible and file or recycle unnecessary paperwork.
  4. Invest in Proper Storage: Provide ample storage solutions like shelves, cabinets and drawers to help employees organize their workspaces. Consider implementing a “one in, one out” rule for storage to prevent overcrowding.
  5. Perform Regular Dusting and Vacuuming: Dust and vacuum workspaces, common areas and electronics regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and allergens.
  6. Disinfect Common Areas: Disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches and shared office equipment to minimize the spread of germs.
  7. Practice Proper Kitchen and Break Room Etiquette: Establish guidelines for maintaining cleanliness in shared areas. Encourage employees to clean up after themselves, label their food and avoid cluttering communal spaces.
  8. Encourage a Paperless Environment: Promote digital documentation and communication to reduce paper clutter. Besides reducing clutter, going paperless is also good for the environment while improving workplace data security. Consider using cloud storage and collaborative tools to minimize paper usage.
  9. Empty Trash and Recycling Bins: Ensure trash and recycling bins are easily accessible throughout the office. Encourage employees to use them properly and empty them regularly.
  10. Conduct Employee Training: Provide guidelines and training on maintaining cleanliness. Ensure employees know proper cleaning techniques and the importance of their role in workplace cleanliness.
  11. Dispose of Outdated Items: Regularly assess and dispose of or recycle outdated or unused equipment, supplies or documents. This prevents unnecessary clutter and frees up space for more important items.
  12. Encourage Open Communication: Maintain open communication about cleanliness and workplace standards. Encourage employees to report any issues or concerns promptly.
  13. Lead by Example: Leadership should set an example for cleanliness. Ensure that managers and executives adhere to the same standards they expect from employees.
  14. Give Feedback and Recognition: Provide feedback and recognition for employees who consistently maintain a clean workspace. Positive reinforcement can encourage others to follow suit.


By implementing these tips and fostering a culture of cleanliness, your workplace can remain a clean, organized, and productive environment for all employees.

Efficient Cleaning Practices 

Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to maintaining a pristine workspace. For this reason, it’s crucial to adopt strategies that minimize cleaning time without sacrificing results. 

Hiring a professional cleaning service is an excellent way to keep workspaces spotless and sanitary while saving time. Cleaning companies are experts in the art and science of cleanliness. Additionally, outsourcing maintenance cleaning to professionals lets your staff focus on their core tasks, boosting overall productivity. Also, professionals use specialized equipment and cleaning products, ensuring spotless results. 

Having your employees clean can be inefficient and take time away from their most essential duties. Investing in a professional cleaning service can be the wiser choice when it comes to efficient cleaning practices. 

Choose the Experts in Office Cleaning and Maintenance 

Town House Specialty Cleaning Co. has been providing specialty and janitorial cleaning services since 1969. Our team of cleaning professionals is highly experienced at keeping workplaces tidy and hygienic. 

We offer customized office cleaning services in NYC. Our team tailors our solutions to your businesses’ unique needs, taking into account foot traffic, occupancy, flooring types and other factors that affect your cleaning requirements. 

Contact us today if you have questions about our office cleaning programs. You may also request a quote through our website. We look forward to being of service.