Moving to a new office requires a lot of planning and elbow grease. Even with the assistance of a moving company, you still have to oversee the packers’ work, check that all of the office furniture, equipment, appliances, and other belongings are accounted for, and ensure they arrive at your new office all in one piece. Afterward, you must supervise the unloading and instruct the movers where to put things in your new business premises.

Organizing and cleaning a new office is crucial. After all, a fresh start in a new location deserves an orderly and clean environment for you and your employees. If you need to hire a professional office cleaning service to help out, do it. The benefits are well worth every dollar you spend on an experienced and widely trusted office cleaning company.

What an Office Cleaning Company Does for You

Here’s what you can expect from a tenured cleaning company:

An Initial Meeting and Planning

A seasoned cleaning company will always consider your unique circumstances and needs. Here at Town House Specialty Cleaning, for example, we have an initial meeting with clients to discuss their workspaces – important details, limitations of the space, and the client’s goals for hiring a cleaning service.

A Custom Cleaning Service

After your initial meeting, your cleaning company will create a detailed plan to clean your offices. It is the mark of an experienced cleaning services provider to be able to adjust and accommodate every client’s needs. Every office space is unique, so the approach would also differ based on its size, layout, number of employees, the type of business they do, and the materials in the office.

For example, doctors’ offices and consultation rooms require a higher cleaning and sanitation standard than a warehouse back office. Meanwhile, offices with hardwood floors would need a different style of cleaning and more care than tiled rooms. Cleaning professionals know the best ways to meet different cleaning needs and can procure the necessary equipment and materials.

Thorough and Deep Cleaning

Moving into a new office will inevitably reveal corners and areas that have been neglected over time, like carpets, drapes, and gaps between the crown molding and ceiling where LED lights are typically installed. If your cleaning company conducts an initial inspection of your office, they will find these issues and include them in the plans.

Besides general cleaning services, expect your cleaning company to offer extra services that would ensure your office is thoroughly cleaned:

  • Floor Care: Gleaming floors can instantly elevate the look and feel of a space. In the corporate setting, clean and shiny floors reflect positively on a company, impressing guests and customers and making employees feel proud of their workplace. Cleaning companies know this, so they provide different cleaning materials and products suitable for various floor types.
  • Professional Carpet Cleaning: Carpets bear the brunt of foot traffic, collecting dirt from shoes and absorbing moisture and spilled liquids. They get dirty and smelly quickly, so office cleaners will want to inspect and clean them.
  • Glass Window Cleaning: Spotless windows make a room look well looked after and positively affect a company’s attitude towards maintenance. Some cleaning companies only clean glass windows inside a building, but you might want to consider availing if they also offer outer window cleaning.
  • Sanitization and Disinfection: Given the recent heightened focus on health and safety, professional cleaning companies extend their services to sanitization and disinfection. They have extensive knowledge about the latest sanitization protocols and know which products offer the best protection against bacteria, viruses, and germs. This service will help ensure a healthier workplace for you and your employees and a safe space for your customers or clients.

Reassurance of Compliance and Safety

When partnering with a licensed cleaning company, you can rest assured that the cleaning crew will observe industry best practices for office cleaning. Well-trained cleaning professionals are knowledgeable about safe cleaning practices and refrain from using substandard or toxic products that might damage your office space or furniture or, worse, harm your employees’ health.

Assistance Setting Up the Office and Workstations

Moving crews offer assistance unloading office furniture, equipment, and appliances, but they can’t stay long to help you rearrange things until you’re satisfied with your office layout. Neither is this part of a cleaning crew’s job description, but if you already have a solid idea of where things should go, they can give you a hand in arranging and organizing office materials.

Cleaning crews can also help set up workstations by cleaning the desks and chairs and tidying the electronics to be ready for use.

An Offer For Regular Cleaning Services

Cleaning companies seek long-term relationships with their customers. If you’re happy with their service, they will gladly offer a promotion for regular office cleaning. Most companies offer customizable cleaning plans to accommodate your preferred schedule and budget. Regular cleaning will help keep your office in top condition and ensure your employees have a comfortable and healthy work environment.

Why Hire a Cleaning Service Post Move?

Relocating to a new office can be costly, so we understand if you want to minimize extra expenses. However, hiring an office cleaning service would be highly beneficial and will pay off almost immediately.

Here are the benefits of hiring a professional office cleaning service after moving to a new office:

  • You can get settled right away. Cleaning companies come at an appointed time and day. You can book a cleaning service before moving day so that your new offices will be pristine and ready for furnishing once you arrive. Cleanup will still be necessary afterward, but the work should be less. Even then, you can book a post-move cleaning service to make the place ready the next working day.
  • You won’t have to ask employees to work overtime or give up their weekends to clean. It is common practice for companies to recruit volunteers to help out when moving to a new office space. While such activities promote camaraderie and goodwill among employees, they can be avoided. Employees won’t have to feel pressured to volunteer to make a good impression on their bosses.

Additionally, while volunteers are welcome to help on moving day, a company would still have to pay their administrative and custodial staff overtime because supervising and helping out with the move is part of their job. However, even if they spend an entire weekend cleaning, there’s a good chance they’d still have more cleaning to do during the workweek.

So here’s an alternative: hire a professional cleaning crew to tidy up after your admin and custodial staff are done arranging office furniture. They will do a more efficient and thorough job cleaning your new office. When Monday comes in, your employees won’t have to do any cleaning at all.

  • Your office can be 100% operational as quickly as possible. Entrusting the cleaning to the professionals will give you more time on other important matters like coordinating with your suppliers and utility providers, informing customers of your new location, finalizing your employees’ workstation seating plans, etc. The earlier you finish attending to these matters, the sooner your office can operate at full capacity.
  • It can boost morale among your staff. A brand-new office can revive the atmosphere in your office, as new beginnings often inspire people to be optimistic. Showing employees that things are going smoothly in your new office can be a nice morale booster.

Enjoy a Fresh Start in a Clean and Organized New Office

Paying for a professional office cleaning service when you move into a brand-new office can give you peace of mind, and that’s worth every dollar. Cleaning companies specializing in offices understand that your needs differ from residential customers and will ensure they are met. An office cleaning company can be a valuable partner to your business’s success. 

Get settled in your new office as soon as possible with help from Town House Specialty Cleaning, New York’s trusted professional cleaners specializing in office maintenance and janitorial services. We clean for small and large businesses, offering custom cleaning solutions whenever necessary. 

Contact us to inquire about our services. You may also use our free estimate tool to know the cost of cleaning your offices.